Why join the club?

We really hope you find the club welcoming and friendly, and that being a member is a good way to meet other LGBTQ+ people, make friends, and keep active.


Club membership also includes these benefits:

Some of these benefits – particularly those provided by the BMC – are only available once you’ve paid for membership.

What it costs

You can “try before you buy” as a prospective club member, free for up to three months.

Full membership costs £25 for 2023 and everyone’s membership lasts until the end of the calendar year. We’ll contact you in January with details on how to renew.

There is a discounted rate available if you’re unemployed, on benefits, or a student – please contact us for details.

Membership form

We ask everyone to fill in a membership form before climbing with us. But we’d strongly encourage you to contact us first to get a feel for the club and make a plan for your first session!

Your three-month prospective membership starts as soon as you submit the form.